Thursday, May 5, 2016


Yesterday your Mama's laptop computer got messed up. Someone short, who didn't know any better, poured sweet tea in it. Sad and messy, and probably expensive. I brought you to my house while your Mama took her computer apart and tried to dry it out but by the time I got there with the computer-sized Philips screwdriver it was simply too late. In the meantime you had a chance to practice your songs on my piano, which is really your piano since you like to play it more than I do....
You do NOT like to play 4 hands literature or improvisation, even if it is one of your favorite tunes like the famous, fabulous ABC song. Also known as Baa, Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle, Twinkle. I was pretty sure you were tired and needed a nap before swimming so I put you in the stroller, leashed Sophie to your tray and took off. In less than four blocks you were sound asleep and stayed asleep even while we took your Mama's laptop to the Somali Mall for a repair estimate. Then time to wake up for swimming my little mermaid! You were fearless, as usual, but you do have definite ideas about what kinds of things you want to do in the pool. I also saw some of the boys smiling at you and talking with their eyes, making eye contact, etc. Is this a shadow of what is to be? 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


I love socks, I hate cold feet. And socks that don't fit right, or have holes in them drive me crazy. So I bought you a ton of socks and made them look like "Easter" eggs. I don't know if you liked them, I notice you like to be bare foot a lot, but I really liked seeing them on you and knowing that even if your feet were too hot, at least they weren't too cold! And that has to be a good thing. Maybe someday you will get a basket full of chocolate eggs and marshmallow bunnies but I hope there will always be colorful new socks in your life!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Times passes and everything changes. For you that has meant growing, walking and talking. Yesterday we played outside most of the afternoon. We had lunch in the kitchen, but after that it was garden mud pull weeds hang out climb up on the chairs and a longish walk with Sophie while I hoped you would fall asleep.
During the whole walk you were sitting up and watching the world. We stopped to chat with a few people and checked out the free libraries, but you were not interested in sleeping until we got into the car and went to pick up your Mommy working at the Ridgedale YMCA.
You amaze me when you sing the ABC song and dance at the same time. I love hearing your voice, even when you are screaming. We went to Cub after we picked up your Mama to buy groceries. You really like shopping. At least you really like touching the stuff on the bottom shelves. You pick them up, carry them around, rearrange them, leaving the boxes in the aisles when something else catches your interest. It is quite charming to watch. Your fine motor skills are impressive and you are so strong. I think this will be a fun summer. Your Mommy's birthday is coming up and we will grill some things in the back yard. Maybe there will be a sweet treat for dessert. And a cozy fire in the fire pit. When I started this post I was going to write about you and your Great Grand-dad. but it still too sad for me. I am just happy that you two had a chance to meet.