I have pretty much forgotten how to do the blog thing and frankly the program has changed since I was an avid blogger. Now it seems like I need to actually address an audience or I just get scrambled focus. So I will concentrate on a very small audience and see if I am more successful in my efforts. And certainly more consistent.
When we first met I honestly didn't recognize you. But then it quickly became clear who you were and that you were not so happy about the manner of your arrival. I was happy to be there in spite of the drama with your Dad. I know he was tired and scared but OMG is there any excuse for his rudeness and lack of remorse? I imagine he was just so happy to see you safe and sound that he didn't care about anything else including how many bridges he burnt in the process. Maybe men really shouldn't be included in the birthing process. There is just too much pressure to fix whatever is happening, to make the pain stop, and in that case perhaps I was very lucky that my partner was such a space cadet, and just so ineffectual in his efforts to support me through the process. Becoming a Dad is hard, and so is becoming a Granny. We have stereotypes about what it is to be a Granny and they are somewhat limiting in there perimeters. This is another area where I wish to be creative and with your help I think I will succeed. This photo is from the day you and I dropped your Mom at work and came back to my place for fun and games. She had dressed you in this super cute T-shirt but when you pooped it got a lot of poo all over it. Surprise, surprise. That was when I got the brilliant idea of keeping a few clothes here to cover emergencies. Like this one!